Oblogatory Remarks
OK, so it's been a while, again. I guess the every-Sunday regiment doesn't have much staying power.... So going forward, it seems most likely that I'll just blog when I want to. And the rest of it can just 'go on holiday'! With that said, I now feel like getting my blog on...
By the way - did you see what I just did? I've now spent 2 journal entries (i.e. 2 weeks) reflecting on the best way to approach blogging! When the answer all along is, obviously, just whenever you really feel like it :D (And they say procrastination is a luxury of youth...)
And so that's pretty much the story for today. The self-memo is noted: In the future, just blog when you want and otherwise don't worry about it. Or to paraphrase the B-52s, "Roam".