May Day Musings
I'm still not sure exactly what to make of May Day. When I was a kid, there was the even-then sometimes surreal scenario where someone would sneak up to someone else's house and leave a basket full of goodies by the front door. Then ring the doorbell and run. But if you were caught, something would happen, though I can't remember what (hint: add a comment y'all). Anyway, you don't really seem to hear of anyone doing this anymore, so it's seems like it's pretty much died out (?).
However, 2 years ago I first encountered another form of "May Day". It's the big minneapolis community parade and celebration in Powderhorn Park. The first year I missed the parade, but saw the ceremony and the merriment to ensue. The most memorable part that year for me was the set by _____, whose array of homemade instruments (including modified power machinery) made for a very wild musical experience.
Last year I managed to see the 2nd half (more or less) of the parade. It was brilliant with lost of enthusiasm, community spirit, pagan soul, and even a bit of "hucksterism".... So all in all a really good vibe, and great floats as well (would love to be in a float doing music in this parade...)...
This year I had every intention (vis a vis the night before) of going, but also had every intention of having some well-deserved fun the night before. I ended up falling asleep around 3:30 a.m., but when I woke up at 9:00 didn't feel much like getting up! So I fell back asleep, and when I awoke again it was 12:45 p.m. I still considered it, but by the time I'd eaten lunch it was really too late. Next year tho....
So to date I'm still not sure what to make of it overall. But I think the main purpose of May Day is to celebrate renewal and the beginning of growth again for another season. And in that sense it totally makes sense :) And in fact, though i didn't make the 2010 fest I *did* take some really nice "may day sky" pictures. And I tentatively booked the first ever "James Land" gig. In any case - Happy May Day!